Danilo Avola

Associate Professor, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

Research field:Computer Vision; Image/ Video Processing; Human Computer Interaction; Wi-Fi Signal Processing; Egg Signal Processing; Machine/ Deep Learning; Multimodal Systems; Pattern Recognition; Event/ Action/ Affect Recognition; Action; Scene Understanding; Body Lan.

Danilo Avola earned his Ph.D. degree in Molecular and Ultrastructural Imaging from University of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy, in 2014. Since 2021 he is Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science of Sapienza University of Rome, where he leads both the Robotics Vision and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (TITAN Lab) and the Computer Vison Laboratory (VisionLab). In addition, since 2018 he is R&D Senior Engineer at the W•SENSE s.r.l., a spin-off of Sapienza University of Rome, where he leads the Computer Vision Team (CVT), and since 2010 he provides consultation and collaboration to companies engaged in computer science, computer vision, and artificial intelligence research projects. In addition, he is Associate Editor and Guest Editor of different ranked International Journals. His research interests include Computer Vision, Image/Video Processing, Human Computer Interaction, Wi-Fi Signal Processing, EGG Signal Processing, Machine/Deep Learning, Multimodal Systems, Pattern Recognition, Event/Action/Affect Recognition, Action, Scene Understanding, Body Language and Face Expression Interpretation, Robotics (UAVs, AUVs, ROVs, Humanoids), and has published around 100 papers on these topics. Since 2011, Danilo Avola is member of IAPR, CVPL, and IEEE.